Dealing with issues from the perspective of eternal life
We are having our twice per month Bible study/prayer/fellowship meeting tonight and the more I study the subject of church the more I am inclined to say that we have an Acts church meeting at my house. Wigglesworth said this morning in my reading, “God does not dwell in temples made by hands but in the sanctuary of the heart. (Acts 7:48). The church is the body of Christ. Its worship is a heart worship, a longing to come into the presence of God. God sees our hearts and will open our understanding. The Lord delights in His people. He wants us to come to a place of undisturbed rest and peace that is found only in God. Only simplicity will bring us there.” This concept has been a matter of study by me and several of my brothers of late and the more we study the word of God the more we wonder about the edifices we have built and called them Church. God clearly said that He would dwell in each believer (in the Person of His Holy Spirit) and that we should gather together to build each other in the likeness of Christ, and greater works than He did we will do. I fully appreciate the churches we have and the fellowship of the members and the great works they do but as we pray and prepare to fast and pray tomorrow I ask us to consider 1 Corinthians 14:26 (Order of Worship). “How is it then, brethren? Whenever you come together, each of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation.” Should our gatherings have some of this? Where everyone participates, for the edification of all! Please share your thoughts. In Him, Jim L.I.F.E. Ministries 114 Wynngate Rd. Wilmington Island, GA 31410 Facebook – LIFE Ministries, Inc. Jim Bulluck…..PLEASE NOTE: EMAIL CHANGE TO: [email protected] 912-695-6510 office 912-695-6510 cell imitatio Christi