Thinking about all the discord in our nation this week I was drawn to Psalm 133 which contains one of my favorite scripture songs from the 70”s.
“Behold how pleasant and how good it is, for brethren to dwell in unity, for there the Lord commands the blessing, life for evermore.”
The text compares this unity with the oil with which Aaron was anointed to be the high priest as it ran down his head and his beard and his garments. It also compares it with the dew of Hermon which is the highest mountain in Palestine and is usually topped with snow, the moisture from which descended to the lowly areas in Zion and provided water for the crops. Unity is oneness, harmony, accord; things working together for the good of the whole. God likes that, He likes order and all I see in the world today is lack there of. As we pray and fast tomorrow let’s once again consider agreeing with God in prayer and focus on unity for our nation, our families, our churches, and even our own hearts. God bless you, Jim
LIFE meets tonight at 7:00.
L.I.F.E. Ministries
114 Wynngate Rd.
Wilmington Island, GA 31410
Facebook – LIFE Ministries, Inc.
Jim Bulluck…..PLEASE NOTE: EMAIL CHANGE TO: [email protected]
912-695-6510 office
912-695-6510 cell
imitatio Christi