As we fast and pray together tomorrow I pray you will consider something that I dealt with last week. Maybe it will apply to some of you as it did to me. Someone recently called me a troublemaker. I first I was hurt and defensive then I found anger slipping in. I started to discuss it with God and got my usual admonition and correction. God said that being called a troublemaker is a complement and I should be excited that someone recognized it in me of all people. Then as I sat there in humility, He started with Abraham, Noah, Moses and all the prophets of the old testament, reminding me all along the way about their life of being troublemakers. They were constantly stirring things up. I think most of them were killed for making trouble. In the New Testament, everyone that followed Jesus was killed or at least persecuted for being troublemakers, starting with John The Baptist. And Jesus finally got them angry enough to carry through on the plan and kill Him. That is pretty good company! I have been doing a lot of study lately about the state of the Church and have come to the conclusion that we all should be capital T Troublemakers for the status quo if we are going to claim a place in the Army of God. A group of us are meeting every Sunday morning to pray for the Church and for the nation and no one seems interested in joining the cause. Stand up and call it like it is, sin is wrong, repentance is necessary and forgiveness is assured. Preach it to everyone, as Paul says, so that some may be saved. As our friend Michael Martin recently reminded us in an email about true prophets we must lead people to rebuke, repent, exalt. No matter what they call us. If we are servants of the Living God we have no choice. Bless you,
L.I.F.E. Ministries
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Wilmington Island, GA 31410
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