Another week already? Today I received a letter from a relative which I read because I love him. It was a grand explanation of Hinduism. I think I stayed with it to better understand him as he has been an enigma to me for some time. He is consumed with knowledge and spends his years trying to be wise in the ways of the philosophers. At 80 he has even returned to college to take classes in their work. While at the same time has no knowledge of his Lord and Savior apart from the book knowledge. As I read of their various (many) gods I was reminded gratefully of our God who is the only one who reaches down to lift us up while all the others are sought for by the masses reaching up to them. PGFWABF!!!!
Brothers and sisters, the body of Christ consists of all who are in Christ. Why do we have so many divisions within our religion? We all come to the same communion table so why can’t we worship together. I read this week that we will never advance in the kingdom unless we see that in every church there is a nucleus that has as real a God as we have. One Body! As we pray and fast tomorrow please remember that there are no buts in the sanctification of the Spirit. But and if are gone, replaced with shall and will. Let’s pray to be soldiers of the Cross! In Him we live and move and have our being!
L.I.F.E. Ministries
114 Wynngate Rd.
Wilmington Island, GA 31410
Facebook – LIFE Ministries, Inc.
Jim Bulluck…..PLEASE NOTE: EMAIL CHANGE TO: [email protected]
912-897-2720 office
912-695-6510 cell
imitatio Christi