Glory, Glory, Glory to the Lamb; For He is glorious and worthy to be praised. The Lamb upon the throne and unto Him we lift our voice of praise, the Lamb upon the throne.
I awoke this morning with this song on my mind, then while in prayer I was lead to read from Hosea chapter 6:1-6 which is subtitled in my Bible, “A Call to Repentance”.
I think it might have to do with the evil that seems to be rampant in the world today. I checked my phone for news with fear and trepidation only to find another shooting right here in river city; 4 in 4 days. And thank God this does not compare with the rest of the nation. God says through Hosea, “Come, and let us return to the Lord, for He has torn, but He will heal us; He has stricken, but He will bind us up.” Glory to the Lamb indeed. Now we must deal here with that incessant word…if! It seems that God is saying again, If you will repent and come to Me I will raise you up, I will come to you like the rain. Read on in chapter 6, it is a wake-up call like so much of the Bible. Like Israel and Judah then, I believe our nation is in danger and being led into the abyss quickly. This may be the time, but no matter, it is incumbent upon us to explain the Gospel and Salvation to as many as we can in the time we have left. As we pray and fast tomorrow I pray that we will seek refilling of the Holy Spirit who will lead us into the battle to face the enemy. Put on the full armor of God and let’s follow Jesus in His eternal plan for His people. God Bless You and Keep You. Jim
LIFE meets tonight, I am excited about continuing our study of Timothy and we will have communion together at 7:00. Join us if you can.