
Happy Fast day tomorrow, we have much to pray about.  I read a story this morning about a dad who attended a school board meeting in his community in Florida.  He was permitted to speak so he began reading from a book that he checked out of the school library.  He didn’t get very far before he was gaveled down and told that he could not read pornography in the meeting.  He showed them that the book from which he read was checked out of the kid’s library in the school.  Oh O!

For this week’s blog, I was prompted to write about two Hebrew tribes we do not study a lot, the Moabites and the Ammonites.  Let me warn you, this may not be suitable for young ones.  Please remember the story about Lot (Abraham’s nephew) who went off to seek his fortune in the city of Sodom.  The city turned to debauchery and all sorts of sexual sin.  God decided to destroy it!  He sent angels to warn Lot to flee the city and we read about what the men of the city wanted to do to the angels, which lot refused, suggesting instead that they have their way with his daughters.  The angels finally convinced them to flee and not look back.  So off they go; Lot, his wife, and two daughters (leaving their fiancé’s behind).  Lots wife looked longingly back at the city she loved and became a pillar of salt.  Lot and his two precious daughters made it to a cave.  There the daughters, both grown women decide that since mankind had been destroyed they should have children with their father to keep the race going.  So they took some wine and got Lot drunk so they could have sex with him and bring forth a child.

The first one named her son Moab which means “from my father”.  The second son was named Ben-Ammi which means “son of my people”.  The boys, even though they were from Hebrew stock led their followers to worship strange gods, thus becoming enemies with Israel.  Not sure what the girls had in mind for wives for the boys.  The Moabites and the Ammonites grew and were in perpetual conflict with Israel.  They now comprise Jordan and are still a thorn in the side of the Hebrews.

Sounds like the evil seed of Sodom was passed on through the daughters.

Satan found a way through an open door to infect the city of Sodom with sin and debauchery resulting in the death of everyone.  I think he has once again found an open door here through Washington and our leadership to infect America with the same disease.  Please, more than ever be in prayer for mercy for our nation.  This morning I saw an article about the Moabite Stone in a news feed.  It offers proof of the Bible story.

LIFE will not meet tonight as the covid angel is hovering.  We have several people affected by it.

I love you and we will all be in prayer for each other at 7:00 from where we are.

We will resume our study of Isaiah next Tuesday and would love to have you join us.  We are reading about God’s warnings about falling away from the commands God has given.

L.I.F.E. Ministries

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imitatio Christi