I hope everyone had a grand weekend honoring those who died to keep us free. Several people said happy Memorial day to me and I know they meant well but I was thinking of my uncle Thomas whom I never meet because he died on the USS Atlanta in WWII. I saw several posts listing the number of lives lost in the effort to keep us free. Vietnam was my war, but I missed it as I was working for the DOD and CIA at the time and they did not want me to go. But to this day I was appalled at how my peers were treated when they came home, either way. As I prayed for all that died in those valiant efforts I drifted into thinking of all those who died for their faith which made it possible for us to worship and serve the risen Savior. Read Hebrews 11:30-39 for an abbreviated list. Jesus died to set us free from sin, praise God!!!
Many of His followers stood up to Satan and evil governments, giving their lives to preserve our freedom purchased by Jesus. By faith, they gave that we might receive the blessing. By faith, we persevere in that effort. But it seems that evil is getting ahead of our efforts again as I read the news. I read that the Church is irrelevant to many of the younger generations, and I understand it as in many cases it has become a social club that stands up for nothing. Of the Apostles only John was not killed for talking about Jesus. My Bible says that I would be persecuted for standing with Jesus, well I must not be doing enough of that as I am not being persecuted, bring on the stones!. I did receive a couple of very nasty comments from last week’s blog which I appreciated. What I am rambling on about? Memorial day has reminded me of my call, how about you?
Stand up, Stand up for Jesus, Ye soldiers of the cross, Lift high His royal banner, it must not suffer loss; From victory unto victory His army shall He lead, Till every foe is vanquished And Christ is Lord indeed. My favorite four letter word again…The trumpet call OBEY!!!!
Tonight we undertake 1 Timothy chapter 2 and we would love to have your opinion on it. We meet at 7:00.
God bless you and keep you, Jim