Good morning everyone, first let me remind you of our fast tomorrow. I realize that I neglected to do so last week.
Some of you may be offended by my blog this week. Not all denominations believe as I do and I want to assure you that everything we say is right out of God’s word. This week we are going to be working on the book of Jude, who was one of Jesus’ half brothers. So right there I know some do not believe He had brothers and sisters. His brothers, James Joses, Simon, and Judas were named in Matthew 13:55 and Mark 6:3. They did not believe in Jesus as the Son of God until after He rose from the dead. James became the leader of the church in Jerusalem and Judas (whose name was changed to protect the innocent) became Jude and wrote the last epistle in our Bible before the Revelation of Jesus as given to John. Some scholars say that Jude was shortened by some and became Jew from whence we get that term. He wrote this letter around AD 65 and we are not told to whom. But based on where we are today I think it was for us at least. It was about false teachers who had “slipped” into the church and were teaching lies and false doctrine for the sake of money, something I think we are plagued with right now. Believers, then and now are warned about this and encouraged to stand strong on the Word of God and remain faithful to Jesus. He gives great examples of men and angels who had rebelled, taught a strange doctrine, and what became of them. Fascinating read.
Brothers and sisters, please take a few minutes to read and study this little book and think about some of our current crop of televangelists, many of whom preach a prosperity gospel that is foreign to the teaching of our Lord. Tonight at our fellowship/Bible study meeting we will discuss this book and get everyone’s input on its message and current value. Please join us at 7:00 P.M. if you can.
PS: I will be taking notes during the study and if you would like I will type them up and share them. Just let me know by email.
“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” Amen, Jim