If you have read many of our posts you know I like to quote Smith Wigglesworth, today will be no exception. To review, he was a 20th-century preacher who got Baptized with the Holy Spirit and preached, healed and delivered people all over the world. He taught a lot about authority and how even though we are given authority we do not use it. Smith died in 1947, I was 5 and he was 88. As I thought about his many admonitions to take authority in the name of Jesus over the demons whom he believed caused all sickness, I thought about last week’s scripture from Matthew 8:5 and the encounter with the Roman officer. The story had to do with his faith and lack thereof in the leaders of the Hebrews. But in rereading it I saw something more. The principle of authority. The officer said You don’t have to come to my house to heal my servant as I am a man under authority and understand that you can say go and they go or come and he comes, this guy understood that Jesus had authority over demons and storms and even death…over Satan! The Hebrews did not understand that and I think many of us do not. We go to church and recite prayers listen to lectures but when is the last time you saw someone take authority over the demons that oppress us or our loved ones with sickness and depression and such. Remember in Mark 6 when Jesus sent out the 12 and they had authority over sickness and demon possession? We have the same authority that they had and I am tired of seeing people depressed and sick saying please help me. Are we disciples of Christ of not. One of Smith’s favorite sayings is, “Only Believe”. Let’s pray tomorrow as we fast for more belief so that we can stand up and take authority over the prince of the earth and his demons in Jesus’ name. Praise God!!!!
LIFE does not meet tonight but we will resume our gathering at our house on June 2nd and share communion to celebrate our coming back together.