I suggest a word search on the subject. There are many opinions about what constitutes a fast and why we fast. For me, fasting causes hunger pains! But every time if feel hunger I am reminded to pray and seek God. In these times I feel that we are surrounded by demons, every news story seems to verify that. My old friend Smith Wigglesworth continues to remind me daily that demons are responsible for many many things. More than we know. He contends that sickness of all kinds is caused by demons in our bodies and that if we believe, we can command them to come out in the Name of Jesus and we will be healed. Remember the great story in Mark 9 about the father and his son coming to Jesus for healing? The father brings his son and pleads with Jesus to heal him, keep in mind this is right after the Transfiguration with the same disciples that saw Him on the mount. The father says he brought the boy to them and they could not help. Jesus says, bring Me the boy and the father says if You can, please heal him. Jesus seems incensed by this comment and says that anything is possible if you believe. I love the father’s next comment, “I do believe, but help my unbelief.” I feel like that often when I am praying. Jesus commands that the spirit come out of the boy and it did, leaving the boy whole. His disciples were amazed that they were unable to remove the demon and ask Jesus to explain. He said, “this kind can come forth by nothing, but fasting and prayer.” That is enough incentive for me to fast every week, there is a list of things I pray for daily and expect to see results but I harken back to this scripture and remember these things can only be handled by fasting and prayer, and then only if I believe. “Lord help my unbelief.”
I know that evil has always lurked among us ever since Lucifer was kicked out of Heaven but it seems to me that it is heating up in these last days and as I said we are surrounded by it on all sides. When I had a sarcoma cancer in the backside or my leg they told me I was probably going to lose my leg and maybe my life to this evil in me.
A dear Christian friend advised me to trust God and pray and not go to the doctors. I prayed diligently and God reminded me that once David was totally surrounded by his enemies and it seemed hopeless too put up a fight. He prayed and the Lord of Hosts, Mighty Warrior, Commander in Chief came, dressed for battle to lead David and his army into battle to face the enemy and he was triumphant, for Satan has no authority here in this place. So I amassed all of my available instruments of war and went into battle. I too was triumphant by following the Lord of Hosts. Do we need to fast and pray tomorrow, you betcha! We will never defeat the enemy that is encroaching on our great county but praise God we know the One who can. Trust Him and have a great fast day! LIFE meets tonight at 7:00.