Last night Peggy and I attended a service at a small church in Guyton GA. Our number one granddaughter worships there and helps with the worship team. They had invited an evangelist to share and Peggy wanted to be there. Wow, we were greatly reminded of the heady days in the early ’70s when God’s Holy Spirit was poured out of us. His message which he has shared around the world was born out of a vision where God showed him a body of water with fire dancing on top of it, and the message he was given was that Jesus wanted to again baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire as John the Baptist had said in Matthew 3:11. He testified that in his travels he had seen thousands of miracles, healings, and deliverance when people came up out of his pool. So, having set up a large pool in the sanctuary he invited everyone to come and be submerged in the water. My granddaughter and my wife decided to go forward as did ¾ of the church. My prayer during the time was to let the fire fall and boy did it. I saw ears opened and eyes to see. My granddaughter was blessed with the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and a burning desire for a prayer language. Peggy was expecting a new awakening of her spiritual walk and fresh touch from Jesus. She was on fire! Todd Smith is his name and he pastors a church in Dawsonville GA where he teaches about Jesus and the gifts including lounges. What a night and the worship was as spirit-filled as I have heard and we were blessed to be there. Praise God.
Tonight at our LIFE meeting we had planned to discuss “church” now as opposed to when Jesus left the earth. We will, but that service renewed my hope that there are churches today following the order as described in 1 Corinthians 14 beginning at verse 26. We were an hour and a half away and did not get to bed until midnight but it was well worth the effort.
On a somber note: We have a lot to fast and pray about tomorrow. May God be with us! Jim