Hello everyone, I did not post last week as I became ill and went back to bed. It was good for me to rest as we left Thursday morning with our daughter and son-in-law to go to Athens to see their last daughter graduate. Long, tiring week but oh such a blessing! God is so good!
Welcome to Michael Smoak who has joined our group today, a very special young man who is close to Sarah (daughter number 3) who graduated Kennesaw a couple of years ago.
Halleluiah Thine the Glory, Halleluiah Amen,! Halleluiah Thine the Glory! Revive us again. Great song and great message.
Chapter 3 of Isaiah will be an eye-opening experience as we look at how we are living on the edge just as they were. I am blessed by the magnitude of his message. These people to whom he is speaking were the chosen generation of God through whom He would come into the fallen world. WARNING!!!!
This generation better listen and obey as I think we are running headlong into the same abomination they were.
This talk about chosen reminded me of something I read in Wigglesworth last week:
“This word election is very precious to me. Foreordained, pre-destined – these are words that God designed before the world existed, to bring us into triumph and victory in Christ. Some people play around with it and make it a goal. They say, ‘Oh, well, you see, we are elected, we are alright’ I know many of them who believe in that condition of election, and they say they are quite all right because they are elected to be saved. I believe these people are so diplomatic that they believe others can be elected to be damned. It is not true! Everybody is elected to be saved, but whether they come into it, that is another thing.”
That might sting if you are a Calvinist but I choose to follow the scripture.
We will gather tonight at 7:00 to discuss this great work and pray together. Please join us if you can. We have coffee, cookies, and fellowship so the entire gathering last no longer than an hour to an hour and a half.
“He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and walk humbly (in obedience) with your God”
Micah 6:8
Love you, Jim