As we prepare for our fast tomorrow I want us to think about that. Recently there have been many reminders that we should not forget history. The history I am most interested in is His Story, the Word of God. A friend referred to Revelation last week and it reminded me to reread the book. I always come to Revelation with fear and trembling as I know that much of it is beyond my understanding. I read chapters 16-18 and highly recommend everyone do the same as it is a picture of where we are today in the world. I read many teachers, but my favorite is David Guzik. His work is on the web under “Enduring Word – Commentary by David Guzik. I admit that I had chills studying this section of scripture and had to call on Paul to remind me that to die is gain. This section when held against where we are today is eye-opening.
I am not worried about dying but there are many whom I pray for that have not figured it out yet. I cannot comment too much on this work but I did hear one thing that might make us think about how chilling the text is. When He talks about the harlot riding the beast I heard “mother of God” which in Arabic means Allah’s mother and the word is alamak. Spell that backward!. I am not one for mysticism and usually stay away from these kinds of things but I could not get past this without sharing. I have children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren who are looking forward to growing old in our free nation. I am praying they will have the chance before our Babylon comes in to take us over. I know it is chic to say woke today but I keep reminding us to wake up and face the truth.
We will meet tonight at 7:00 and continue our study of Timothy. Tonight we will learn more about Paul teaching him to be a good minister and keep the main thing the main thing.
Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind; and love your neighbor as you love yourself! Yes Sir
I love you, Jim
L.I.F.E. Ministries
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Wilmington Island, GA 31410
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imitatio Christi