I am studying 1st and 2nd Timothy in preparation for our Bible study tomorrow night (tonight now) and just read 2nd, chapter 3:1-5. It reminded me of where I think we are today. ” You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have not self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. They will act religious but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!” Wow
I posted this on FB yesterday as it really spoke to me. In preparation for our fast and praying tomorrow, I wanted to share it here. But for God, what our leaders are doing would be very scary! Someone said to me yesterday, look at what they are doing to our nation. Yep, I replied, the worst they can do to us will be to our gain. Scripture tells us to fear only God, who can take our lives and our souls. Even World War Three can’t do that. I think the Bible is correct that we are in the last days and my prayer is for many whom I love who have not made Jesus Lord of their lives. Brothers and sisters, it is time to take whatever is left of the world in our beings and get deliverance from it, and concentrate our entire lives on Jesus. “All to Jesus I surrender, all to Him I freely give; I will ever love and trust Him, In His presence daily live. I surrender all, all to Thee, my blessed Savior, I surrender all.” Praise God!
LIFE meets tonight, please join us if you can.