In 2009 on the Sunday after Easter, I delivered a sermon by this title. The premise was, now it is your turn; get baptized in the Holy Spirit and complete the work. We are not called to fill a pew each Sunday and listen to a stirring sermon, we are called out of the world to be His instruments in advancing the gospel. Jesus taught from Genesis to Malachi, we have the advantage of having the entire History of His ministry on earth in our new covenant.
I recently had the honor to meet a pastor, Todd Smith at Liberty Christian Fellowship in Guyton GA. He was here ministering as an evangelist, preaching, healing, and offering deliverance in the name of Jesus. He has written several books, one of which is entitled “He Sat Down”. I had never heard a definitive word on this passage before so I looked into it. It makes perfect sense. On the cross, He said just before He drew his last breath, “ It is finished”, which comes from the Greek word, Tetlestai which meant I have completed the task you have given me. It was used by servants to their master when they were done with a job. Pastor Smith gave a perfect example when he talked about his yard work. He would cut the grass and then he would go into the house, get something cold to drink, sit down and his two sons would finish the work. He had spent years training them how to edge, trim and pick up.
When Jesus ascended back to heaven scripture tells us the He sat down. The implication is the He had “finished” His work and now it was the job of His children to finish the work. Are you a child of God? If so it is incumbent on us to study his word and become proficient in its meaning. Smith Wigglesworth said, “If you have to get ready when the opportunity comes, you are too late.”
D.L. Moody said on his death bed that he wished he had written a hymn that a good friend, Will Thompson, had written. “Softly and Tenderly” . Verse two says time is now fleeting, the moments are passing, passing from you and from me. Come Home! We can’t expect to see God move in our communities until His people are ready, Live Ready!
LIFE meets tonight at 7:00. We will have communion and continue to explore the book of Jude. Please join us if you can. God bless and keep you! Jim