
I never considered myself arrogant or self-righteous.  I am sure that some of you would disagree after this week’s trip to the woodshed.  This lesson might be just for me as many are!  I was confronted this week about my anger, I have heard that several times over the years and I got angry with hearing it.  I AM NOT ANGRY!

Well, I decided to listen and God told me that I was and I demanded to know where it came from so I could repent and correct it.  He reminded me of Ronald Regan when He said, “there you go”.  So God in His Benevolence told me it came from arrogance.  Arrogance, when and how have I displayed arrogance?  Re-read Job was His reply.

As I read about Job and his three “friends” discussing the calamity that had befallen him I could see that he was pretty impressed with his life.  Then a young man named Elihu who was overhearing all of this talk stepped forward to add his two cents worth.  He started with a big statement, “do you think this is right?  Do you say my righteousness is more than God’s”?  He then proceeds to point out to Job and his “friends”  that God is God and gives many examples of His Goodness and Majesty.  When he finishes after 6 chapters (32-37), God chimes in, He says to Job, “who is this who darkens counsel by words without knowledge?  Now prepare yourself like a man; I will question you and you will answer Me.  Where were you when I laid out the foundations of the earth?”  He goes on with this woodshed experience for 4 chapters asking things like can you make it thunder?  Then He got personal when He said, “All right, put on your glory and splendor, your honor and majesty.  Give vent to your anger, let it overflow against the proud.  Humiliate the proud with a glance (or a laugh as Peggy says); walk on the wicked where they stand. Bury them in the dust.”  God then said, after that, I will say you can save yourself.  Praise God!!!!

I told you I had been to the woodshed.  For our fast tomorrow, I suggest we get a bit introspective and consider these things, I am sure no one but me has the problem but just in case and because I obviously needed it.  I don’t remember how many years I have been hearing this from my wonderful wife but I am sure now, had I listened I would have saved myself a lot of grief.

LIFE does not meet tonight, may God be with you and keep you in His palm.