I had a very nice experience today. I have been involved with Kathy Barefoot in arranging to bless our local police. She and a group have put together a gift package for each officer in our area. She asked me to join them today in making the presentation to the Islands Precinct. I meet the Sargent of the guard who received the gifts on behalf of his men. He was blessed and so was I, I don’t thank them enough for what they do every day to protect us. Since I had been reading in the Old Covenant recently I was reminded of a story in the book of Nehemiah. This was during the exile in Persia around 430 BC, the record of what happened was probably written by Ezra. Nehemiah heard about the walls being destroyed around Jerusalem and got permission from the King to rebuild them, a daunting task at best. He was given a portion of the king’s guard to travel with him to ensure his safety. By the time he reached the city, the surrounding Kings had heard about the plan and did not want to disturb the status quo. As these kings prepared to attach, Nehemiah stationed armed guards (armed with swords, spears, and bows) to protect the workers on the wall. Even the workers strapped on a sword to be ready for an attack. It is an amazing (successful) story, one which I suggest you read. My point is that for the people to carry on with the work and provide for their families as well, they needed protection from the bad guys. There are numerous stories in the Bible about the use of guards to protect the people and we have them also. I think they are very nervous recently with the climate of our country and trying to be prepared. As we pray and fast tomorrow let’s see if we can find a way to thank them for standing guard. And don’t forget the veterans tomorrow as it is the day that we set aside to honor them for their valiant service in protecting the country from enemies, foreign and domestic. May God bless you and keep you, Jim
LIFE does not meet tonight. Next Tuesday.