
There is an old story about a preacher who was full of fire and brimstone one Sunday morning and one of the Deacons came to him after the service and said, “I think you gone to meddling now”!  I am liable to be accused of the same thing after my thoughts today.  Remember in Matthew 8:20 when Jesus said, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.”?  In that same text, a centurion (Roman officer) showed faith beyond the Jews by saying you don’t have to come to my house, if You just speak the word my servant will be healed.  I think there are many among us who don’t want Jesus to come to their homes today and it is not about their great faith.  They don’t want Him to come because of the changes they would have to make in their lives.  They know that if Jesus were to live in their hearts, their lives would be totally transformed.  Many refuse salvation because they know they cannot continue to live in the same old ways; therefore, they do not invite Christ to their homes or their lives.  Have you ever witnessed to someone who walks away or says, I am saved (leave me alone)?  I have encountered many like this and it saddens me greatly.  I have been studying Hebrews 11 this morning in preparation for our Bible study tonight and am greatly encouraged by all the stories of faith in our forebearers, they were far from being perfect but God was not looking at their unworthiness, but at His worthiness.  He is the one that calls us, He is the one who saves us, He is the one who offers eternal life and from the beginning not everyone will accept.  Our job is to offer in love and trust Him through His Holy Spirit to bring them into the fold.  Praise God!  Please give thought to this tomorrow as we fast and pray together.

LIFE meets tonight at 7:00, this will be our last virtual meeting and we will come together on June 2nd for communion and celebration of being together again.  I appreciate your understanding of Peggy’s condition and I trust she will be ok from here on.

Joe will call everyone around 7:00 to join us.  If you would like to participate please let me know and send your cell phone to add to the list.

L.I.F.E. Ministries

114 Wynngate Rd.

Wilmington Island, GA 31410

Facebook – LIFE Ministries, Inc.

Jim Bulluck…..PLEASE NOTE: EMAIL CHANGE TO: [email protected]

912-695-6510 office

912-695-6510 cell

imitatio Christi