Praying Tomorrow

Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. (Matt. 5:4)  There has been too much mourning going around lately, but I am not sure we understand it.  I have never been one to visit graveyards as my spirit tells me they are not there but I understand those who go there to mourn.  I heard a story once about my favorite preacher, Wigglesworth, who said his wife, who was also a gifted preacher, told him to watch her preach because when she does she gets so close to heaven that one day she would just be off.  Sure enough one night as she preached she got so close to heaven that when she descended the stage she fell dead at the church door.  At the funeral, he asked his kids if she was there?  They said well, NO and Smith went on to explain that if you say yes you have never understood what Paul spoke when he said it is better to go than to stay.  Praise God!  In this scripture from Matthew, I know that Jesus was speaking of mourning over our loved ones who are not saved and not the deceased.  With this kind of mourning and prayer, Jesus goes on to say “You shall be comforted.”  Amen!

I see the death count in the headlines each morning and it saddens me for the families that are left behind and drives me to pray for them and all who are affected by this virus.  Tomorrow as we fast and pray together let’s take a minute and read together the 23rd Psalm and remember who is our Shepherd, our strong and might Tower and give thanks and praise for all He is doing.  Praise God from Whom all blessings flow.

LIFE does not meet tonight, but please remember to get your elements ready for next Tuesday as we will have communion, may God Bless you and keep you, Jim

We will observe the quarantine for a week or so in respect for Peggy’s condition.  Thanks for understanding.

L.I.F.E. Ministries

114 Wynngate Rd.

Wilmington Island, GA 31410

Facebook – LIFE Ministries, Inc.

Jim Bulluck…..PLEASE NOTE: EMAIL CHANGE TO: [email protected]

912-695-6510 office

912-695-6510 cell

imitatio Christi