Prayer and fasting

In our Tuesday night Bible study we are still in Hebrews and the more I study this book the more I love its message.  It is so rich and powerful.  Tonight we will be in chapter 7 which talks about Melchizedek and compares him to Jesus.  He was a priest unlike those who came from Aarons line or Levis line and we are given no beginning or ending to him and no genealogy which is uncommon in the Bible.  The writer was speaking to Hebrews who had been converted to Christians but were having trouble staying the course.  One of their issues was this “High Priest Jesus” which did not fit their belief of, from whence priests were to come.  He was not from the tribe of Levi nor the family of Aaron, therefore according to Moses, He could not be a high priest. Using the story of Abraham and his encounter with Melchizedek who had no beginning or ending and taught that Jesus was a more perfect way since God had ordained Him Priest forever in the order of Mel.  Great teaching tool for them and for those whom we encounter daily who have trouble with the mystery of a Savior and everlasting life provided through belief in Him as the Son of God.  I think the minimal believers and the nonbelievers could benefit from this teaching just as did the Hebrews in this story.  The law (old Covenant) provides expert diagnosis of our sin problem, which is absolutely essential.  But the law does not provide the cure to our sin problem.  Only Jesus can save us from our sin problem. Remember this tomorrow as we fast and pray and maybe we can interject some truth into their arguments.

Life meets tonight at 7:00 and we will explore this in-depth.

L.I.F.E. Ministries

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imitatio Christi