This is your weekly reminder to fast and pray together tomorrow. Our Bible study which meets tonight is working through Hebrews as I have mentioned before but I read something today in preparation that tweaked my thinking. In chapter 6:11 we are reminded that we should show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end, that we not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. Now I have never been accused of having too much patience but I believe that if God tells me something in His word and then makes an oath that He will do what He said, I might should wait. Maybe not patiently for 25 more years like Abraham in this story, but when God seals His word with His oath that is very important. And we are encouraged not to be discouraged as David was in 1 Samuel 30:6…
He had been in a situation with the Amalekites which was not going so well. Two of his wives had been taken captive and he was discouraged (just like we get). Scripture says he was distressed and his people were talking about stoning him as they had lost sons and daughters in the battle. I think it was time to be distressed. But the Bible tells us that David strengthened himself in the Lord his God. He called for the preacher to bring him the ephod which contained the Urim and Thummim which were a set of sticks or stones which were used to decide yes or no answers from God. When he went to his knees God was faithful to answer. He had just been badly defeated in battle and the question was should I go back out or not. God not only said go but He provided some intel which resulted in complete destruction of the enemy and recovery of all that they had taken. Tomorrow, I hope that none of us are facing the discouragement that David faced in this battle but whatever we are facing let us remember to go to our knees and pray and fast trusting God to go before us in our daily battles and through Him, win the victory. Praise God!
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imitatio Christi