Tomorrows fast reminder

Happy New Year!  A friend (Vickie Barrett Baker) recently posted a quote from A.W. Tozer, one of my favorite authors, which helps make my point today.  “When a church changes their values to match culture they’re no longer following the Bible, they’re following the lost.”

I read recently where 65,000 young people gathered in Atlanta to worship God!  Another 60,000 did so in Orlando.  Wow!

At the same time denominations are losing people, many of whom have joined the fastest growing denomination in America…None!

Pastors are working hard to overcome the loss but the doctrines of their denomination are important and must be aligned with the infallible Word of God or their efforts will be for naught.  If you are in one of those churches that are struggling with loss membership, please take the time to research what the doctrines of your religion are and how they line up with the teachings of Jesus.

I have read about churches in three of the largest denominations in the world and they are making changes in their doctrine to accommodate the world.  For instance, I cannot find infant baptism in my Bible.  I cannot find any place where homosexual behavior is not called sin and an abomination to God.  I cannot find where it is ok for women to teach men.  I do find repentance of sin when someone desires it and forgiveness from God with acceptance into the saved.  Repentance means 180 degree turn from what you are doing and going forward being obedient to Jesus.

Please investigate those with whom you identify and check out what they believe as compared to the Word of God…The Truth!

I pray that this word is received in love as that is from whence it comes.

LIFE meets tonight at 7:00.  We will have communion and continue our search for the Truth in the book of Hebrews.

L.I.F.E. Ministries

114 Wynngate Rd.

Wilmington Island, GA 31410

Facebook – LIFE Ministries, Inc.

Jim Bulluck…..PLEASE NOTE: EMAIL CHANGE TO: [email protected]

912-695-6510 office

912-695-6510 cell

imitatio Christi