Please indulge me a bit today. I have been involved with the funeral of my daughter-in-law’s grandmother all morning and as I have been praying since for something of value to share I keep coming back to my own sorrow. On Thursday morning our precious little Sadie Mae (Schnoodle) passed away and Peggy and I have had a hard time getting over it. She had been very ill with bad diabetes since July with two shots of insulin each day to control the sugar which stayed extremely high. Then she developed other infections and problems as her body fought the overload of sugar. Three different doctors were trying to help her and she fought very hard but it eventually wore her down and she could no longer function. She lost her sight within three months of the diagnosis and to watch her overcome that was amazing and taught us many things about acceptance of our circumstances. Well, we (Peggy) buried her in the back yard and we move on. God gave us much joy and love for the 10 years she was with us and for that we are thankful. I am reminded of David when he prayed day and night for his infant some but when he died, David rose and went on with life accepting God’s will in the matter. God’s ways are higher than our ways and sometimes it does not do for us to know what He is doing, He is sovereign and I am to obey in all things.
As I celebrate this Advent season and the coming of baby Jesus all sorrow dims in the light of His Glory. I will not be fasting next week as we celebrate that great event which changed history for all time. I love each of you and have been blessed to pray and fast with you each week throughout this year.
I will communicate on the 1st day of the new year, God bless you and keep you, Jim
Life fellowship meets tonight at 7:00 and we will continue our study of Hebrews. See you then.