Preach it!

As we fast and pray tomorrow I hope we will focus on our calling and what we are doing with.  My friend John Stein dropped off a book for me the last Tuesday that he saved from being thrown in the trash at a neighbors garage cleaning.  I was mesmerized by the book and could not put it down until I completed it.  “Why A Preacher and Not a Priest”,  the biography of John A. Carrara from New York.  He was born into a staunch Catholic family in 1913 and from the beginning they planned for him to become a priest.  When he was 15, a friend asked him to come to a service at his Protestant church and at first John said no way as it would mean condemnation to hell for him to go there according to the teaching of the day.  He went and became fascinated with John 3:16 when he discovered for the first time that Jesus died for him.  He could not believe that was in the Bible so he found a small Bible and began to study it in secret.  He paid a price when the family found out, his dad beat him with a broom stick and dislocated his shoulder leaving him a bloody mess on the kitchen floor.  The Holy Spirit convicted him and in spite of attacks from his family and “The Church” he was preaching by the time he was 17.  He became one of the most sought after evangelist of his time and there were many.   His message resonated with the hungry populace of the day and many thousands throughout the country were saved.  He continued to preach until he was 77 and died at 94 in 2008.  His preaching was simple, Gospel Salvation by God’s Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ alone.  No man-made accoutrements that get in the way of the message.  My message today is to PREACH IT, from day one and every day.

God bless you and keep you and cause His face to smile upon you.

Life does not meet tonight!

L.I.F.E. Ministries

114 Wynngate Rd.

Wilmington Island, GA 31410

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imitatio Christi