Dealing with issues from the perspective of eternal life
Hello everyone, we are back and healed. Thank God. We returned from Ireland with a bad cold and it has taken a week to recover. Ireland was unbelievable and I have a story to tell about being ready in season and out. I was reminded of that this morning as I read in Ephesians chapter 1:14. Essentially it says that God gave us His Spirit as a guarantee that we will receive the inheritance He promised so that we could praise and glorify Him. We (my daughter and son in law and Peggy) were on an all-day tour during which the guide said we should have dinner at a certain restaurant/pub in Killarney. We went there and found the picture perfect Irish pub. We ordered our meal and three guys walked in carrying instrument cases. They unpack as they seated themselves next to us and began to play Irish folk songs. There was a violin, a bagpipe and an older gentleman with three stringed instruments. The whole pub gathered round for the entertainment. After many songs, my daughter noticed there were Irish tin whistles laying on the table and asked if she could join in…she is quite capable. They were delighted and after many songs together they ask her to lead in something of her choice. She asked them about Amazing Grace! They said they did not know the words and she looked at me and said he does. Can you believe that we lead the entire pub in three verses of Amazing Grace? Everyone seemed delighted. After all of this, we found out that the older gentleman was Jimmy Crowley, world famous Irish folk singer who even performs in Savannah at times. Ready in season and out! What a blast. God blessed the entire trip! Tomorrow as we fast together I hope this story will remind us all of how God plans for us to spread the gospel, so matter where we are. No meeting tonight for the LIFE group. We will reconvene next Tuesday for communion, prayer and Bible study. In Him, L.I.F.E. Ministries 114 Wynngate Rd. Wilmington Island, GA 31410 Facebook – LIFE Ministries, Inc. Jim Bulluck…..PLEASE NOTE: EMAIL CHANGE TO: [email protected] 912-695-6510 office 912-695-6510 cell imitatio Christi