
Good morning everyone, I am late in my encouragement to fast and pray today but please let me splain.  Yesterday I got very involved with my study for the Bible study last night and just ran out of time.  I want to share a little of what we worked on together.  God had directed me to teach on Hope and I think that is what the world needs now.  The text was from Psalm 130 which is one of the Ascent passages that the Hebrews sang on their pilgrimages to Jerusalem for the festivals each year.  They too were struggling with waiting for the first Advent as we are the second.  These were also called Penitential Psalms,  from where we get our words like penitence, repentance, penitentiary.  From a place of deep and overwhelming danger, the Psalmist cries out to Yahweh.  They were crying out from poverty, sorrow, confusion, and pain but the Psalmist cries out from the depth of the awareness of guilt of sin!

The bottom line is one we have learned over time in following Jesus…God forgives!  He ends with this, O Israel, hope in the Lord; for with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him is abundant redemption.  And He shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities.  Praise God.

We sang the song, My Hope Is Built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name.  We had communion together, prayed and went home.  Then I sat down to watch the President’s speech and the rebuttals afterward.  Thank you, Lord for this timely study in where our hope lies, my hope is built on nothing less…Praise God again, I trust the Psalm will remind you of our hope in Him and not in the swamp.  I leave you with yet another great hymn, He lives.  Please look up the words about our risen Savior and His strength of walking with us every day.  He said, “Surely I am coming quickly”, pray.

L.I.F.E. Ministries

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imitatio Christi