Several years ago I decided that I needed to learn more about singing harmony. I was leading worship and wanted to do some 4 part harmony and needed training as the only thing I ever sang was the lead part. I tried out with the Barbershop singers group and I was assigned to the bass section which suited me fine. I learned a lot singing in a quartet among which was a new love for harmony. Our prayer group has been praying to be in one accord that we might see a new outpouring of God’s power in our time. Smith Wigglesworth says that “One Accord” is the keynote of the victory that is going to come to us all the time. In barbershop singing which is all acapella one of the four blows a pitch pipe with the keynote for all of us to key on and find our note. When the quartet sang in perfect harmony there was a fifth voice audible which was the blessing of being in harmony.
The Lord loves harmony too and when we live in a place where we are helping everybody, lifting everybody and causing everybody to come into perfect harmony there is where we receive the blessing of the fifth voice. There is no disharmony and no divisions in the Kingdom of God and neither should there be in our churches. As we pray and fast tomorrow let us strive to hear the keynote of the Spirit of God and all sing in the same key. God bless you and keep you!
L.I.F.E. Ministries
114 Wynngate Rd.
Wilmington Island, GA 31410
Facebook – LIFE Ministries, Inc.
Jim Bulluck…..PLEASE NOTE: EMAIL CHANGE TO: [email protected]
912-897-2720 office
912-695-6510 cell
imitatio Christi