Hope everyone had a great day yesterday thanking the Lord for all those who made it possible to celebrate our freedom. As we prepare for our day of fasting and prayer I have been reading and praying. It is hard to read the news without going into prayer. I am glad God is in control, praise His name, He is much more patient than me. I am astounded at the evil that is in the world. I use to think it was because we just had a lot more access to news and were bombarded but then I went back and did some reading about evil in the Bible. It has always been there and we have to stand against it wherever we can. I will list just the forms of evil that I found for consideration in our prayer: Adultery, immorality, uncleanness, immodesty, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contention, jealousy, angry outburst, selfish ambition, dissensions, heresies, envy, murder, drunkenness, and revelries from Galatians 5; and from other areas, unforgiveness, retaliation, hypocrisy, calling others a fool, lust, swearing falsely, anxiety, condemning others, and empty religion. Need more? 2 Timothy warns of the last days when we will see: greed, selfishness, pride, boasting, blasphemy, disobedience to parents, unthankful, unholy, unforgiving, slander, unloving, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, and religion that denies the power of God. Phew! Does that give us enough to pray about? I read this week that the end is coming on May 31st, when I look at the world and the church and line it up with this list I know for sure that He is coming, just don’t know when; deliver us from evil. I pray that The Spirit of God break out again and fill the hearts of Christians and we might see another great revival in our time. God Bless, Jim
L.I.F.E. Ministries
114 Wynngate Rd.
Wilmington Island, GA 31410
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imitatio dei