
As we prepare for another glorious day of prayer and fasting, I want to share from my prayer time this morning.  I have been asked to give my seminar, “What does God want with me?” to a group of men in the mountains of Georgia.  I am getting excited about the opportunity which will occur in late September.  This morning I was reading from Smith Wigglesworth in my daily devotion and noticed a theme that I think God wanted me to see over the last few days.   He reminded me of what Paul said when he was confronted by Jesus on the road to Damascus.  After he fully realized with whom he was dealing, he asked the only question he could.  “What do You want he to do?”  (Acts 9:6).  Smith continued on this for the last three days and made the point at least with me when he closed with these words, “God wants you to be ministering spirits, and this means being clothed with another power.  You know when this divine power is there, and you know when it goes forth.  Beloved, we can reach it,; it is a high mark, but we can get to it.  Do you ask how?  That is the plan.  It means a perfect surrender to the call of God, and perfect obedience.”  He closed with the statement that anything other is a complete waste of time and energy.   Reminded me of a great old hymn, “I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice, and it told Thy Love to me; but I long to rise in the arms of faith, and be closer drawn to Thee.”  I think I will change the title of the seminar to, “What Do You Want Me To Do”, isn’t that the question after all?  Have a blessed day in prayer before the Throne.



L.I.F.E. Ministries

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imitatio Christi